About iranveG


Our group, with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality of domestic products, started its activities in the field of sales and export of dried vegetables, fruit drinks, slices, condiments, etc. Customer service is one of the main programs of our business and therefore all our efforts to provide customer satisfaction and a good shopping experience are in the minds of our dear customers.

However, today many people go to various stores to buy their necessities to buy the products they need. But today, despite the traffic and lack of time, fast and easy methods such as online shopping have replaced face-to-face shopping. Iranveg online store offers a collection of the best products needed by families, such as a variety of dried vegetables and slices, etc., with a guarantee of its originality and quality, for online sale.

Dried vegetables have many uses and in the past they have been used for various uses such as food, medicine and even health and medicine and are still used today. Some of its uses are as follows.

• Used in cooking food and serving salads

• Used in a variety of soups to make it delicious.

• In preparing various sauces, various types of dried vegetables are used.

• Dried vegetables are used in the form of powder prepared to make tea, teas and even ointments.

• Also used in the preparation of chips, spices and dry food products.